How you can get more customers and decrease un-used capacity
A few tips to optimize your clients base and turn first time visitors to customers.
Our goal this year has been to focus on growing clients businesses.
Our foray into the hotel industry, we realized quite a few issues being faced by a number of hoteliers, events centers and halls. However to save your reading time, only two will be highlighted.
Static fixed cost and low variable revenue: We understand this is a general phenomenon in Nigeria. Expenses like Fuel, generator, staff salaries etc are constant in the face of trickling revenue due to fewer customers.
Stiff Competition: With hotels and event centers springing up here and there. The attendant effect is a dwindling customer base.
Expectedly you will be waiting for our own tip and advise. The bad news is that you can’t eliminate these problems, you may find a workaround or manage them.
The GOOD NEWS is you can make use of counteractive measures.
The key thing is building up your customer base. How!
Let’s see with the few steps below.
- Increase publicity and awareness but in a cost effective and more efficient manner.
- Convert onlookers to interested customers
- Convert interested customers to effective customers.
- Re-cycle existing customers to keep coming
- Make un-interested customers to come back
- And last of all; turn your fans to PRO agents.
One of the popular measures which we love and will like to propose an effective web presence.
Surprisingly the steps outlined above could be so daunting. Not to worry, didn’t we promise to focus on your business growth.
We will deploy attractive views that speak well of what you have to offer.
Integrate the right tools to ensure you retain your customers
Reporting statistics to monitor performance and formulate better strategies.
And while you focus on your business, we will keep looking for the right strategies to help you grow.
You have seen so many websites being created, but its important you get it right once and for all with us.
Why not click here for a Quote and let’s get started or rather still call Zion on 08020871791 or email