The Bilsmore Blog

Football; Winning and the Anatomy of a Team

I want to share a piece, an event that occurred two years back. I was a member of an operations team in a bank. Our manager then decided to organise a team learning session to share ideas and learn. In the first session we had, she wanted us to equate football with a team.

This was my contribution.
Now I’m telling you just the way I said it with little modifications of course.

Why developing your brand with content is more effective than advert.

Your brand is everything your business represent. Its that image that conjures up when your business or outfit is mentioned. Brand awareness is very important’ no wonder blue chip companies set aside a sizeable part of their budget for branding alone. Studies have equally shown a direct correlation between the extent of how recognised an organisation’s brand is and its performance in the market.

Sending Customised SMS with Excel

Sending SMS messages to a large number of recipients no longer present a daunting task with the multiplicity of bulk SMS software and web platforms offering this service. Lets take it a step further; what if you intend your recipients to receive information different...

Buying a new phone; this article could help you

Buying a new phone; this article could help you

Basically we all face this dilemma. What type of phone to buy, what features to look out for and so on. See! there are two broad categories of phone users 1. Those who buy for the love of the gadget. 2. Those who buuy for necessity You will quite agree with me that a...

Win ₦5,000 in the Book Challenge on Bookateria

Win ₦5,000 in the Book Challenge on Bookateria

Here is a chance to get paid for doing something of learning and fun. This contest is open to everyone excluding the book author, relations, friends and family of the author. A spirited individual in collaboration with has thrown an incentive for lovers...

Your Students or Children Could be Best Selling Authors

Do you have talented students that can write a book? If you have not heard of Bookateria, then you are not only missing something, you are also denying some of your students the opportunity to excel. The guys running Bilsmore Joarth have just launched something of...

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Not sure of what you want, still tell us and we’ll take it from there.

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